
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Night in the Garden

Night in the garden is a mysterious thing to me, shrouded in darkness and cloaked by strange sounds.  I imagine mythical creatures, ghastly insects, and industrious gnomes doing things I don't understand that somehow are as important to the health of the garden as sun and rain.

Whether or not any of that is true, I can state with 100% certainty that the Spotted Ground Gobbler does indeed exist.  This slimy crawler was creeping around the yard last night when I let the dogs outside.  It wasn't even the biggest one, just the least camera-shy.


  1. Yikes! That thing is huge! I have never seen a slug in our garden. Could be due to the fact that it's only rained once in the last 9 weeks and been over 100 degrees pretty much every day during that time... -Carrie

  2. Wow! Get some toads in there to gobble them up!

  3. I have a toad I can lend you. He is quite a handsome fellow, and spends much of the day burrowed in the damp soil of our covered deck plants. The moisture must be a welcome change from the drought-y yard. I guess he is dining well as we haven't seen any snails of any size.


  4. All I can say is, "ick!" Great blog. I look forward to following!

  5. TSF, all toads are welcome in this yard. SparingChange, thanks for following!
